Death by suicide has managed to crawl its way up to the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.
In December 2012, the Executive Committee of the Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention (MCSP) approved the formation of the Bristol County Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention (BCRC-SP). The state-level administrators are Jennifer Kelliher, MCSP Managing Director and Alan Holmlund, Director, MDPH Suicide Prevention Program. The Bristol County Regional Coalition Director is Annemarie Matulis.
The BCRC-SP serves all 20 communities within Bristol County to help raise awareness about and provide resources and trainings for suicide prevention & education.
The BCRCSP now includes four community based suicide prevention coalitions in Taunton, New Bedford, Fall River and Attleboro.
In 2016, the BCRCSP added three Kitchen Table Conversation Grief Support Round Tables for Suicide Loss Survivors in Taunton, Fall River & New Bedford. A fourth KTC will be launched in Attleboro in the summer.
A Voice at the Table
The BCRC-SP co-produced a ground-breaking documentary that focused on the need to welcome the voices & lived experience of suicide attempt survivors to the strategy & treatment planning tables: A Voice at the Table was screened during the April 2014 Massachusetts Conference for Suicide Prevention in Framingham MA. It was launched world-wide on May 19th.
In 2015, A Voice at the Table received Honorable Mention at the SAMHSA "VOICE" Awards.